To subscribe to the MercuryDPM mailing list, send the following email to listserv[AT]lists[dot]utwente[dot]nl:

Subject: subscribe

Body: subscribe MERCURY-USER {your name}

You will first receive an request to confirm your email address.

You will later receive a confirmation email of your subscription.


If you wish to discontinue receiving specific communications from us at any moment, send the following email to listserv[AT]lists[dot]utwente[dot]nl:

Subject: signoff

Body: signoff MERCURY-USER

You will receive an acknowledgement email of your unsubscription.


We value your privacy and we would like to inform you how we use information we have about you.

If you are subscribed to this list, you will only receive information relevant to MercuryDPM developers. In particular, we will send messages about:

  1. updates to the MercuryDPM source code,

  2. events and courses organised or co-organised by MercuryDPM developers (such as the MercuryLab courses on C++ programming and discrete particle modelling)


To send a message to all of the people currently subscribed to the list, just send mail to MERCURY-USER@LISTS.UTWENTE.NL, which is called the list address.


Contributions sent to this list are automatically archived. You can access the list archives here. You may need to join the mailing list and log in to the Web interface to view the archives.

Registering with the web interface requires your subscribed email address which can be found in the acknowledgement email to your subscription. This list is available in digest form. If you wish to receive the digested version of the postings, then issue a "SET MERCURY-USER DIGEST" command. All commands must be sent to LISTSERV@LISTS.UTWENTE.NL, which is the LISTSERV address. It is important to that you remember and understand this.

Please note that it is presently possible for other people to determine that you are signed up to the list through the use of the "REVIEW" command, which returns the email address and name of all the subscribers. If you do not want your name to be visible, then just issue a "SET MERCURY-USER CONCEAL" command.

More information on LISTSERV commands can be found in the LISTSERV reference card, which you can retrieve by sending an "INFO REFCARD" command to LISTSERV@LISTS.UTWENTE.NL.