Developer's version

Below you find instructions to install the developer's version of MercuryDPM, also called the "master". The developer's version contains the newest features of the code, whose interface might still be unstable. If you want the most recent stable version of Mercury, please download the release instead.


Step 1: Install external dependencies 

On Ubuntu 16.04, you can install the minimum dependencies with the following command:

sudo apt install build-essential g++ gfortran git cmake python3 python3-dev gdb

On Ubuntu 16.04, you can install these optional dependencies with the following command:

sudo apt install doxygen graphviz libx11-dev libxt-dev libxres-dev libxtst-dev paraview openmpi-bin mpi-default-dev

Step 2: Clone the MercuryDPM repository

mkdir MercuryDPM

cd MercuryDPM

Check out a local clone of the MercuryDPM developers version using the following command:

git clone MercurySource

This option is recommended if you simply want to use/test MercuryDPM. You do not need an Atlassian account. However, it does not allow to push back features to Bitbucket.

If you want to develop a (private) feature with MercuryDPM (which we encourage you to push back to us at a later date), create a personalised local repo of MercuryDPM on bitbucket:

You then must also clone this to your computer:

git clone<yourBitBucketName>/mercurydpm.git MercurySource

If you are a member of the MercuryDPM development team, create a public branch of MercuryDPM in the main git repository:

git clone MercurySource

Note, you must first establish a secure SSH connection to the Bitbucket cloud. 

We highly encourage you to create branches while your feature is still in development. This way others can swap to your branch, see the new feature and maybe even comment on/help with it.  

The development team is open to everyone. If you want to be added to the development team, please contact

Step 3: Install MercuryDPM

mkdir MercuryBuild

cd MercuryBuild

cmake ../MercurySource

make fullTest

This will compile all MercuryDPM components, and run the selftest suite.

MercuryDPM mailing list

Please sign up for the mailing list to receive updates about the code.