LINUX Version 0.11



  • C++ and fortran compilers

    • Note, Mercury uses C++11 features. Version 4.7 of gcc claims to have C++11 feature, but the implementation is incomplete.
      Thus, gcc 4.8 is minimum version for gcc family of compliers.

  • cmake version 2.8 or higher (

  • python version 2.x

  • subversion (svn) version 1.7 or higher

  • doxygen (optional: used for creating the documentation while building your source code)

  • X11 (optional: for using xballs)

  • OpenMPI (optional: for parallel computing, which will be in the next beta version)

Installation steps

For Linux users

  • Make sure the above mentioned packages are installed. On Ubuntu 16.04, you need to install the following dependencies

sudo apt install build-essential g++ gfortran subversion python2.7 cmake-curses-gui cmake-qt-gui doxygen graphviz \

libx11-dev libxt-dev libxres-dev libxtst-dev openmpi-bin mpi-default-dev

  • Open the terminal or shell. Create a directory called "MercuryDPM", at a location of your choice, by typing

mkdir MercuryDPM

  • To get into mercuryDPM, type

cd MercuryDPM/

  • Once in the folder MercuryDPM, download or check out the version 0.11.1 of the DPM source by typing

svn checkout MercurySource

The above command downloads the DPM source code into the folder named "MercurySource"

  • In the current folder, i.e. mercuryDPM, create another directory called "MercuryBuild"

mkdir MercuryBuild

  • Get into the folder "MercuryBuild" by typing

cd MercuryBuild

With cmake GUI

  • Assuming cmake is successfully installed, goto directory "MercuryBuild" in order to create the executables from the source code. Do it by typing

cmake-gui ../MercurySource/

  • A GUI pops up on your screen as in the picture shown below

  1. Click on "Browse Source" and locate the "MercurySource" directory.

  2. Click on "Browse Build" and locate the "MercuryBuild" directory.

  3. Make sure option "Grouped" is selected and "Advanced" is deselected.

  4. Click "Configure"

  • After clicking on "Configure", the following window appears on your screen

  1. Select "Unix makefiles" under specify the generator for this code

  2. Choose "use default native compilers"

  3. Click on "Done"

  • Clicking on "Done", builds all the files in the directory "mercuryDPMSource" and creates the executables.

  • The building/installation progress is visible in the bottom panel of your cmake window screen, as seen in the screenshot below.

  1. Any red line in the bottom panel, indicates that some package is missing or needs to be installed to have a successful "configure". In that case, click on the "Advanced" option to see exactly where the issue is or contact any of the MercuryDPM team of developers.

  2. Once configured for the first time, under the group named 'CMAKE' type 'Release' at 'CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE'. See the picture above.

  • Optional: for documentation tick the box make_BUILD_DOCUMENTATION, in the picture as shown below, before you click on configure.

  • Once you entered all options and configured, click on 'generate'.

  • To check if successfully installed, go to your build directory "MercuryBuild" using the terminal and type

  • If all the tests have passed, MercuryDPM is successfully installed on your machine.

Without cmake GUI

    1. For users without the GUI, cmake does include an alternative curses-based interface called 'ccmake'.

    2. At the terminal, in directory MercuryBuild type

ccmake ../MercurySource/

  1. As seen in the above picture, pressing the key 'c' configures or builds the object files or executables from the source directory (MercurySource).

  2. Moreover, before configuring, 'BUILD_DOCUMENTATION' or/and 'Xballs_Support' can be enabled or disabled.

  3. Cmake experts can toggle to advanced mode by pressing the key 't' to have more options and choices.

  • Once configured, press the key 'g' to generate the executables

To check if successfully installed, go to your build directory "MercuryBuild" using the terminal and type

make fullTest

If all the tests have passed, MercuryDPM is successfully installed on your machine.

For Windows users

Follow the Windows installation instructions of the developer's version (Trunk). In step 3.3, replace "svn checkout MercurySource" with "svn checkout --username guest --password '' MercurySource".

For MacOS users

Follow the MacOS installation instructions of the developer's version (Trunk). In step 3.3, replace replace "svn checkout MercurySource" with "svn checkout --username guest --password '' MercurySource".